
The Scranton Area Community Foundation responds to community needs and opportunities with grants in such diverse fields as health, education, arts, environment, human services, and civic affairs. We are able to do so through the generosity of individuals, organizations, and corporations.

Explore Our Charitable Funds

The Scranton Area Community Foundation manages more than 350 charitable funds. Explore all of our funds here.


Joseph (Firp) and Charles Pacino Scholarship Fund

This fund was established in March 2010 through the estate of Lena Pacino for a graduating senior of Lakeland High School pursuing higher education. The scholarship is meant to honor the residents of Mayfield and to remember the dedication and affecti...

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Joseph A. Macialek Irrevocable Trust

The Joseph A. Macialek Irrevocable Trust was established in 2010 by the trustees. The quarterly income that comes from gas and oil royalties of the land will be distributed to meet the needs of the youth and youth programs in Lackawanna County.

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Joseph C. Kreder Fund for Lackawanna Pro Bono, Inc.

This fund was established by the Margaret Briggs Foundation in March 2005 in honor of a lifetime of service by Joseph Kreder as a member of the Lackawanna Bar Association, as partner and of counsel to the legal firm Kreder Brooks Hailstone LLP, and as ...

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Joseph J. Costa Memorial Scholarship Fund

Lawrence F. and James J. Costa established this fund in October 1993 in their father’s memory. The award is presented annually to a student or students at Lackawanna College who demonstrate a high level of academic achievement and citizenship.

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Judith Youshock Memorial Fund

Established in May 2023, the Judith Youshock Memorial Fund supports the community arts and wellness initiatives that honor Judith Youshock’s creative and healing spirit.

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Junior League of Scranton Dues Assistance Fund

Established in December 2020 by the Junior League of Scranton, the JLS Dues Assistance Fund supports members of JLS who are in need of financial support with their dues. Any unspent balance each year will go to support the training needs of its members...

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Junior League of Scranton Dues Assistance Fund

Established in December 2020 by the Junior League of Scranton, the JLS Dues Assistance Fund supports members of JLS who are in need of financial support with their dues. Any unspent balance each year will go to support the training needs of its members...

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Junior League of Scranton Endowment Fund

This fund was established in December 2000 by the Junior League of Scranton to address women’s and children’s issues in our community.

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Junior League of Scranton Scholarship Fund

The Junior League of Scranton created this scholarship in February 2005 to be given to a female graduating senior at Scranton High School or West Scranton High School for colleges, universities, or vocational school degrees.

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