Foundation Leadership

Foundation Leadership
At Scranton Area Community Foundation, our success has always been dependent on a high level of commitment and leadership from a dedicated group of community members. Over the years, many wonderful individuals have given their personal time and effort to assure the success and growth of our programs. We would like to acknowledge and thank those individuals currently involved, as well as those dedicated participants of the past.
Foundation Staff
The staff of Scranton Area Community Foundation is comprised of dedicated professionals who are devoted to helping our generous donors connect to the causes that they care about most.

Laura Ducceschi, MA, MBA, CAP®, CFRE
President and CEO

Mary Joyce
Communications Manager

Jacob Torba
Philanthropy Associate
Board of Governors
The Scranton Area Community Foundation is governed by a Board of Governors who are appointed or elected because of their knowledge and understanding of community issues and opportunities. Our Board of Governors plays a vital role in the Scranton Area Community Foundation and reflects the diverse interests of our community, overseeing the work of the Foundation with commitment, foresight, and integrity.
As stewards of the Foundation, the Board establishes policy, leads the effort to build the endowment, reviews the investment performance of funds, and oversees our grantmaking efforts. The Board reviews recommendations and makes decisions on all grants to ensure that the philanthropic wishes of our donors are carried out. Board members are chosen for their understanding of regional issues and expertise in their professions.
Ellen Burkey, Chair
David Price, Vice Chair
Katie Gilmartin, Treasurer
Dr. Thomas Minora, Secretary
Board Members

Joseph Bannon, MD

Ellen Burkey
Ameriprise Financial

William Conaboy, Esq.

Christopher DiMattio

Thomas Donohue

Patricia Fox, Psy.D

Katie Gilmartin

William Joyce

Bobby Lynett

Ryan McGowan

Thomas Minora, MD, F.A.C.P.

Marion Munley, Esq.

Jerry Musheno, R.Ph. Esq.

Kenneth Okrepkie

Bryan J. Frantz, DMD, MS

Maryla Scranton

Barbara O’Hara

David Price

Patricia Thomas

Paul Woelkers, R.T.(R), Hon. D.H.L.
Advisory Council
Our Advisory Council is comprised of community leaders who have been appointed to work with the Foundation because of their knowledge and understanding of community issues and opportunities.
Warren Acker
Donna Barbetti
Richard Bishop
Rose Broderick
Paul Browne
William Calpin Jr.
Dante Cancelli
Ida Castro
Jim Clemente
Karen Clifford
Catherine Cullen
James Gillotti
Kathleen Graff
Matthew Haggerty
Cathy Ann Hardaway
David Hawk
Alan Hughes
John Kearney
Robert Lettieri
George Lynett
Sharon McCrone
Patrick McMahon
Barbara Norton
Sally O’Brien
Ann Lavelle Powell
Carlon Preate
James Reid
Kevin Rogers
James Ross
Walter Schautz
Tim Speicher
John (Jack) Tighe III
We find that it is both a privilege and a challenge to help our clients achieve their philanthropic goals. We are honored to have the privilege and are committed to meeting the challenge.
It’s our job to help bring positive change in our community!