Pet Expo/ Animal Care Summit Planning Committee Wednesday, March 9, 2022 6:00 PM
Please join us virtually as we kick off planning for a Pet Expo/ Animal Care Summit scheduled to take place late spring of this year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these plans have been on hold for two years, and we are excited to finally move forward with an in-person event! Your input is appreciated as we plan our outreach to potential vendors, animal care providers, and animal rescue organizations and shelters we hope to feature at the Summit. We need your help in formulating how best to bring important educational training programs and inspiring, actionable take-aways to the animal care community and the general public. If interested in attending and joining the planning committee, please rsvp to awc@safdn.org Thank you in advance for participating! Learn more about NEPA Animal Welfare Collective at https://www.nepaawc.org