Robert H. Spitz Foundation Announces Its 2023 Grant Cycle
The Robert H. Spitz Foundation, administered by the Scranton Area Community Foundation, is pleased to announce its 2023 grant cycle.
Beginning Monday, May 1st, 2023 local 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations are invited to apply for grant funding. The grant application process begins with submitting a Letter of Intent (LOI) through this online portal.
LOIs for the Robert H. Spitz Foundation grant cycle will be due by 5/30/2023 at 11:59 PM
If invited to apply, application will be due by 6/30/2023 at 11:59 PM
The Robert H. Spitz Foundation primarily awards grants to registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that support initiatives and programs serving the residents of Lackawanna County and Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Priority Areas for Funding Include
- Breaking the Cycle of Poverty
Programs that aim to remove economic barriers, mitigate intergenerational poverty, and encourage independence in adults and children through access to safe, affordable housing, transportation, education, training, and other important issues. - Veterans’ Affairs and Veteran-oriented Programs
- Animal Welfare
Including but not limited to programs that support humane education, adoption for homeless animals, spay/neuter, trap neuter release (TNR), rescue, veterinary care and which help the economically disadvantaged and the elderly to keep their companion animals. - Jewish Culture and Cemeteries
- Environmental
Programs/projects that seek to preserve and/or protect the environment; raise awareness and/or educate about climate/environmental issues; and seeks to mitigate the impact of harmful practices to the environment and promote recreation/public health.
- Examples of qualifying Environmental requests include:
- A focus on carbon footprint reduction
- A focus on increasing air and water quality
- Conservation of wildlife habitats, open space greenways, rivers and watersheds Education on living environmentally friendly lifestyles
How to Apply
As part of our ongoing commitment to building the capacity of our nonprofit professionals and to better serve our grant seekers, our grant application process is now streamlined through our online grant management portal. All grant requests are handled through the online portal.