Register your organization by Thursday, May 5th, for just $50!
Our midway deadline ends on Thursday, May 5 at 5:00 PM. Don’t miss this opportunity to register your nonprofit organization or charitable fund for NEPA Gives for only $50! Additionally, organizations who register by 5:00 PM on Thursday, May 5, are entered for a chance to win a special registration incentive prize of $500. The winners of this prize be will selected at random from qualified organizations who meet the deadline. Organizations must raise at least $1,000 to qualify.
Organizations who register after 5/5 will be ineligible for special registration incentives.
Need help registering? This informational webinar has all you need to know to get registered and start preparing for NEPA Gives on June 3rd!Registration Deadlines Midway Registration: 3/26/22 – 5/5/22 at 5:00 PM – $50 Final Registration: 5/6/22 – 5/20/22 at 5:00 PM – $100
*No exceptions*
Please note: Any 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or charitable fund at a community organization in NEPA is eligible to register for NEPA Gives.
Do you have questions or suggestions about NEPA Gives? Scarlett Spager – nepagives@safdn.org Vivian Williams – vw@safdn.org