The Scranton Area Community Foundation has been a trusted community partner since 1954, creating charitable connections, and working in partnership with generous individuals to transform lives. We offer a wide variety of charitable planning tools including donor-advised funds, charitable gift annuities, scholarship funds, agency funds, and charitable trusts, and provide foundation management services. The Scranton Area Community Foundation helps donors maximize the impact of their charitable giving to causes and charities they care about.

Highlights from the report include:
- Welcoming 34 new charitable funds in 2021, established for a variety of purposes. Our donors inspire us every day with their reasons for their generosity and their vision for a brighter future. Learn more about some of their stories inside this report.
- Distributing $4.3 million in grants and scholarships in 2021.
- A successful second-annual NEPA Gives in 2021, which raised over $1.25 million dollars in just 24 hours for 250 nonprofit organizations, making it the single largest day of philanthropy in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
- Incredible results from the NEPA Learning Conference, which brought together over 200 professionals at nonprofit organizations for an opportunity to receive in-depth training from local and nationally recognized presenters.
- $472,142 total granted amount in 2021 from the Community Needs Fund to 79 Community Needs grant recipients.
A Message from our President and CEO:
Dear Friends,
In almost every way, 2021 was a record-breaking year for the Scranton Area Community Foundation. The Foundation welcomed more new charitable funds, awarded more grants and scholarships, and received more overall charitable donations than in any other year in its 67-year history. As the pandemic wore on, so many of you recognized the continuing economic and social challenges facing our communities and responded with extraordinary generosity. For that, we are very grateful.
Thanks to your support and that of other donors and partners, the Scranton Area Community Foundation is better positioned to respond to the urgent and critical needs of our community. Guided by our strategic framework, and the key pillars that frame our important work, the Foundation significantly expanded its impact to serve our region’s growing needs.
None of this would have been possible without the support of our donors, community leaders, and partners. Thank you for supporting our important work together to build a more vibrant and equitable community.
With Appreciation,

President and CEO, Scranton Area Community Foundation