While a graduate student at Marywood University in 2005, Jeannine worked with the Scranton Area Foundation to establish the non-profit Humor Therapy Fund. The purpose of the fund is to promote therapeutic laughter and/or humor. Any 501(c)(3) non-profit organization within the greater Scranton area can submit a grant request to SAF to receive money from the Humor Therapy Fund, as long as the money requested is for a purpose that promotes laughter and/or humor for the benefit of their clients and/or community members of the greater Scranton area. All submissions will be subject to review prior to acceptance.
Jeannine has led numerous fund-raisers over the past several years to increase the size of the fund, including comedy shows and festivities on World Laughter Day, which is celebrated the first Sunday in May each year. At World Laughter Day 2012 in Scranton, local artist Judith Youshock from Heart to Art led the painting of a World Laughter Day mural. Prints of the colorful and playful mural are available for purchase at $12 or $20 framed, with a portion of the proceeds benefiting the Humor Therapy Fund.
Grant Application – Apply for a Grant from the Humor Therapy Fund