Heart of Scranton Donors
Thank you to all the donors who generously support the Heart of Scranton Virtual Fundraiser! Heart of Scranton Virtual Fundraiser DonorsAnonymous (48)
in memory of Earl Holmes
in honor of all those in need
in memory of Erin Ann Walsh
in memory of Florence and Gary Glover
in memory of John P. Holland
Frank Abdale & Michael Eisenberg
Darlene Acosta
Sr. Mary Ann
Laura Agostini
Marlene and Kay
Sister Ann
Jim and Patty Alperin
Mary Ellen Altieri
Richard William Ammenhauser
Bonnie Amrowski
Rosanne and Steve Anderson
in honor of Sr. Ann Walsh
Beth & James Baker
Michele Balon
Donna & Michael Barbetti
Rebecca Barnes
in memory of Frances Molinaro
Susan and Dorrance Belin
Jean Biggar
Barry and Susan Bittenbender
Jessica Black
Patty and Walter Bobola
HMA Social Club
Cynthia Boyles
Richard Bradshaw
in honor of those on the frontline of the pandemic
Gene Brady
Claire & Frank Brier and Family
Michael Brown
Mary Burke
Beth Burkhauser
Regina Burns
Sisters of IHM
Stephen & Kimberly Butruce
Laurie Cadden
in honor of Katie Gilmartin
in honor of Donna Barbetti
Charles & Carm Cancelleri
in memory of Santo Cancelleri
in memory of Vito Vaccaro
in memory of Anna Cancelleri
in memory of Mary Vaccaro
Capezio Realty Company
Mary Lynn Carey
Sister Carney
Michael Casey
Ida Castro
in memory of Ezequiel and Aurora Castro
Tom and Teri Cerep
Will Chamberlin
Robert Chamoni
Michael Charnogursky
Bruce Chodnicki
Linda Ciampi
Kristin & Tony Cianfichi
Kathleen Clancy
Ryan & Paige Cognetti
Stephen and Lauren Cognetti
Julie Cohen
Colbert & Grebas, Elder Law Attorneys
Kevin & Kelley Colleran
Lucille Corbo
Joseph Corvo
Countryside Community Church
Judith Cowley, Psy D
Marguerite Coyle
Stephanie Coyne
Cross Household
Sarah Elizabeth Cruz
in honor of Ann L. Williams
Davidow Household
Robert Davis
Coyne Family
in memory of Tom & Mary Coyne
Don and Carol Dembert
in memory of David Tressler
Marijo Carey DePaola
DePietro’s Pharmacy
Kim A. Derbin
in memory of Jean & Art Derbin
Toni DiVizio
John F. Donato Jr.
in memory of John F. Donato
Christa Dougher
Ms. Dowling
Laura Ducceschi
in honor of Reno and Beverly Ducceschi
Patricia E. Dunleavy
Karen Durkin
Ebersmith Travel
Sister Mary Ehling IHM
Mr. and Mrs. Perry
Jessica Eskra
Ms. Evans
Gus Fahey
Mary Kay Faliskie
Grady Family
Dr. John Farkas & John Anthony Farkas, Jr.
in memory of Nancy Schmitt Farkas
Dino Ferra
in memory of May Fernico
Barbara O’Hara and Ray Ferrario
in honor of Wyatt, Violet, and Penelope
Jack Finnerty
Lisa Fischetti
Cathy and Ed Fitzpatrick
in honor of the wonderful volunteers on the front lines
Bridget Flannery
Carolyn and Pat Flannery
Flannery Family
Beth Florey
Marty Flynn
in memory of Matty Flynn
Dr. Patricia Fox
Eldie and Teri Franchetti
Frank and Marigrace Dubas
Robin Frazier
Beth Frushon
Denny & Marie Gallagher
Maureen Gallagher
in memory of Ann C. Gallagher
Alyssa Garbin
Todd and Carey Garvey
Mary Ann & Gerard Garvey
Judy Gatelli
Robbie & Jeanne Gavern
Michele Georgetti
in memory of Robert MacKee
Margi Gillern
Katie Gilmartin
Glenmaura Senior Living
Marilyn Grad
The Gragilla Family
The Grambo Family
Carl Graziano
Mary & Time Griffin
Noelle Griffiths
in memory of Bianca Marino Beck
Dr. Dorothy Grill
April Guse
Haggerty Family
Hann Family
Dr. Alfred & Cathy Hardaway
Joyce Hatala
Kevin Hayes
Tom and Mari Hendrian
Gerard M. Hetman
Highland Park Senior Living
Mary Hodel
Sister Sarah Ann Homes
Mary Beth Holmes
Mary Beth Hopkins
Ro Hume
Bridget Hunter
in memory of Patrick J. Murphy
The Hunter Family
Kevin and Mary Icker
in memory of David Tressler
Maryalice Jacquinot IHM
Leopold Janczak
Suzanne Jayne
Norma Jeffries
Ryanne Jennings
in honor of the team at Scranton Area Foundation
Jewish Federation of NEPA
Jim Durkin and Jill Spott
in memory of Violet Pippert
Deidre Jones
Walter and Julie Jordan
in memory of Mary F. Reilly
Judith and Charles Curtin Household
Kathy Sunick Kamor
Mary Ann Kapacs
Jan W Kelly Ph.D.
Kristen K.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Kelly
Mauri Kelly
Susan and Marty Kelly
The Kern Family
Anne Kessler
in honor of employees for Meals on Wheels
Marie K.
Claire King
in memory of James King III
Kiwanis Club of Scranton
Susan Klimek
Dr. Michael Klingerman and Tara Shoemaker
Pamela Kochis
Chris Koellhoffer, IHM
in honor of Sister Ann Walsh, IHM
Christine Koster
Joan Kryzanowski
Connie Kudrich
in memory of Josephine Elias
Catherine Manning Laabs
in memory of Lois and Paul Laabs
Indra Lahiri
The LaPorta Family
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lashinski
Helen Lavelle
in honor of Gene Brady
Linda Ledford-Miller
Katie Leonard
Maggie Lipperini
Lauren Loftus
Joseph & Mariliz Loftus
Joseph & Mariliz Loftus
in memory of Donald & Anne Loftus
Earl Lory
Karen Lucarelli
in memory of M. Jayne Hartman
Al Lucas
Tiffany Luciani
Bobby and Noelle Lynett
Bill Lynn
Matt Lynn
Karin Foster
John Lyons
Christina Mace
Maureen Maher-Gray
Tim & Samantha Maloney
Angeline Manci
Masks by Lindsey Manley & Marie & Katie Perry
Christina Manuel
Donna Marie Martucci
Nicholas Matise
Victoria Mattes
Kathleen McAndrew
Deborah McCoy
Alice Taylor McGraw
in memory of Carl & Pearl Taylor
Joseph McGuire
Mary McIlvried
Michael McIlvried
Mr. & Mrs. R. Patrick McKnight
Anne McNally
Sister Delia McNeirney, IHM
Melisky Family
Jess Meoni
Cindy and Teddy Michel
Erin Mierzwa
Gregory M. Moran
Attorney & Mrs. Moran
Todd Morgans
in honor of Be Kind Scranton
John Morrow
Jennifer Mudge
Sister Marilyn Muro
Joseph Murphy Family
Rochelle Myers
Sujata Nair-Mulloth
NAMI Scranton & Northeast Region
Maggie Martinelli
Donna Nasser
in memory of Jackson Walsh
Daniel J. Nawrocki Sr.
Sister Naylor
Denise Nicholson
in memory of Parents
Marylynn & Vinny O’Bell
Conor Kelly OBrien
Mary O’Brien
The O’Hara Family
Ken Okrepkie and Dr. Kim Pavlick
Barb O’Malley
Jane O’Neill
Ann E. Oreilly
Pat Orlando
Yvette Orsini
Terry Osborne
Mary Cecelia Otto
Our Lady of the Eucharist Parish
Emil Pagliari
Brittany Pagnotti
Sylvia Simms Parker
Marsha Parrish
Sister Parry
Pennsylvania American Water
Maureen Pesavento
Melissa Lyn Phillips
John & Cathy Pocius
Joe Pollock
Todd Pousley
Thomas Preambo
Carl Pretko
David Price
in honor of the entire staff of the Scranton Area Community Foundation
Ron Pritchyk & Gavin Esham
Mr. and Mrs. Quinlan
in memory of Molly Calpin and Meghan Calpin Hughes
Dawn Quinn
Joan Quinn
Raines Derek
in memory of Magee Caldwell
Ella Rayburn
Michael J. Reap
Brendan Regan
in memory of Barbara Moran Regan
The Rigau Family
Lisa Rigau
Jane Risse
in memory of Ann Risse
Karen Risse
in memory of Paul McHale
Linda Robeson
Gemma Rosato
Erin Sadlack
Junko Saltzgaber
Kyle Savage
Michelle Schmude, EdD
Debbie Selig
Cathy & Jeff Seymour
Stephanie Shandra
Elaine Shepard
The M & MJ Sheridan Family
Tom & Cathleen Shields
Nick Simone
Sisters of IHM Maria House
Sisters of IHM St. Clare Convent
Sisters Pierce and Tippen
Sisters Sinisi and Salvato
Lindsey Skripka
E.M. Slovenkai
Geoffrey Smeltzer
The Sochoka Family
in honor of My great grandchildren
Sondra and Morey Myers
Nan Speicher
Deirdre Spelman
in memory of Florence Spelman
Donald Stanford
Swift Family
in memory of Cousin Jim Swift
Amie Talarico
Talerico’s Tropical Winery, Inc.
Chris Tansits
in honor of Junko san
Rosemary Termini
The Anthony Battaglia Family
The Brown Household
The Chickson Household
The Geary Household
The Gelb Foundation Fund
The Gerald Walsh Household
The John A. Weiss Household
The Kisel Household
The Koloski Household
The Monahan Family
The Palmeri Household
The Rose Household
The Ryan Household
The Village at Greenbriar
The Warpus Household
Bernadette Thomas
Sandra Thubborn
Bill and Cheryl Tierney
Judith Tierney
Steve and Laura Uliana
Sister Marie Lourdes Vanston
Yvette Vinson
Rich & Lori Vitock
Mr. and Mrs. Volk
Walline Family
Ann Walsh, IHM
Ellen and John Walsh
in honor of Caregivers and Volunteers at Friends of the Poor
Ellen Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Walsh
James Walsh
Doug and Mary-Pat Ward
in memory of Robert and Kathleen DeFlice
Aimee Wechsler
David Wegner
Dennis Paul Weisbruch
Joyce Welby
Shelby and Sally
Wilding Therapeutic Solutions, LLC
Melissa Nicole Williams
Sister Mareen Willis
Kevin & Lisa Young
Kerry Ziegler
C. Zike