Scranton Area Foundation Unrestricted Fund

Where does the funding come from?
The Foundation’s Unrestricted General Endowment Fund consists of funds donated to the Foundation in which the donors place NO RESTRICTIONS. Our donors come from all walks of life and make donations of all sizes. Unrestricted Funds are an option for donors who want to support a broad range of community needs.How do you use the funds?
Gifts made to the unrestricted fund are used to address a broad range of local needs, including both current as well as future needs that are often unknown and unanticipated at the time your gift is made.How do you decide how to use these funds?
Donors agree to rely on the Board of Governors to make decisions about grants from this fund. The Board makes their decisions based on their knowledge of our community and professional analysis of emerging community needs which have been identified.Why is the Unrestricted Fund so important?
It is your “Unrestricted” gifts to the General Endowment Fund which allow Scranton Area Foundation to exist and help our community. The flexibility of unrestricted funds gives Scranton Area Foundation the greatest latitude in how to direct grants based on our assessment of changing community needs and enables us to respond to the community’s most pressing needs as they emerge. This fund offers current (and future) Boards of the Foundation maximum flexibility to respond to changing needs of the community, emergencies and to support the creation of innovative responses to community problems. Unrestricted Funds are used for the General Endowment Fund of the Foundation and are essential for ensuring the Foundation’s ability to meet the community’s present and future needs.