AWC Steering Committee Meeting

Committees meet virtually via Zoom in one-hour sessions.If you are interested in joining or have questions about past subcommittee meetings, email to secure your spot.


AWC Full Collaborative 4th Quarter Meeting

Urban CoWorks 116 N Washington Ave 3rd Floor, Scranton, PA, United States

NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative invites you to attend the AWC Full Collaborative 4th Quarter Meeting! We encourage each member organization to come prepared with ideas and updates on available resources,...

Women in Philanthropy Q1 Dinner and Business Meeting

Hilton Scranton 100 Adams Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States

Join us for our first quarterly meeting of the year, where we’ll kick off an exciting new chapter in advancing the work of Women in Philanthropy!Following dinner and a brief...

Workforce Barriers Summit: Addressing Obstacles in Recruitment and Retention

Wilkes-Barre THINK Center 7 S Main Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 4, Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, United States

Presented by NEPA Thrives, join us for at this FREE event to explore key workforce challenges in NEPA, including transportation, childcare, employer collaboration, and more.Learn from experts about resources and...


NEPA Gives 2025 Kickoff

Are you ready to level up your nonprofit’s fundraising game? Before the region's largest giving event takes place in June, join us for a crash course to make NEPA Gives...

NEPA AWC 2025 Pet Expo & Animal Care Summit

Viewmont Mall 100 Viewmont Mall, Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States

The 2025 NEPA Pet Expo/Animal Care Summit, hosted by the NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative, will take place on Saturday, March 1st, at the Viewmont Mall in Scranton, PA, from 11...

Workforce Barriers Summit: Employment Resources Panel

Historically, the PA Careerlink is seen as a resource for individuals seeking employment while Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development Initiatives focus on business and industry, however the need for...

Workforce Barriers Summit • Workforce Strengthening Programs

There are several organizations and programs working with potential employees to strengthen the workforce and place skilled, qualified individuals in family-sustaining employment. Come learn about the programs and how regional...