“No One Likes My Posts!”

Urban CoWorks 116 N Washington Ave 3rd Floor, Scranton, PA, United States

How to make social media work for your nonprofit and help reach your goals   Presenter: Posture Interactive   Session Topics: How to create engaging posts  Data and reporting Placing ads...


NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative Second Quarter

Urban CoWorks 116 N Washington Ave 3rd Floor, Scranton, PA, United States

The NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative (NEPA AWC) is a passionate network of local animal rescues, shelters, and advocates dedicated to improving the lives of animals across the region. AWC holds...

NEPA Gives Closing Celebration

100 Wyoming AveScranton, PA 18503 100 Wyoming Ave, Scranton, PA, United States

NEPA Gives' closing celebration will include live entertainment, giveaways, real-time and live-streamed updates on NEPA Gives, and opportunities for the general public to meet many of the participating nonprofits. It's...

NEPA Moves Full Collaborative Meeting

Benco Dental 295 Centerpoint Blvd, Jenkins Township, PA, United States

Are you interested in collaborating to remove transportation barriers? We invite you to join this meeting! Monday, June 24, 2024 9:00 - 11:00 AM at Benco Dental 295 Centerpoint Blvd,...


“What’s Governance Got to Do With It?”

Urban CoWorks 116 N Washington Ave 3rd Floor, Scranton, PA, United States

Monday, June 24, 2024 5:30 - 7:30 PM at Urban Co-Works 116 N Washington Ave, 3rd Floor, Scranton Cost: $15 (dinner included) Presented by: Laura Ducceschi, Scranton Area Community Foundation President and...


WIP STEAM Education Advisory Circle Meeting

Join here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89478238583?pwd=aNEbQb7FaY8jM0i8flCkHBHsjGdsb3.1 Agenda: -Review progress made since the last meeting -Discuss action steps and new ideas
