Find answers to the most frequently asked questions ins our FAQ section

What is a Community Foundation?

A community foundation is a collection of separate funds established by individuals, organizations and others to support the future and sustain the present of a community. LEARN about Community Foundations

Who runs the Scranton Area Foundation?

The Foundation is administered by a full time professional staff. The Scranton Area Foundation is governed by a Board of Governors, with additional guidance provided by an Advisory Council. Both groups are comprised of community leaders who are citizens from Lackawanna County, and are appointed or elected because of their knowledge and understanding of community issues and opportunities.

Who Administers the Assets?

A finance /investment committee of the Board recommends policies regarding the management of the endowment fund assets. Individual investment decisions are made by the financial institutions holding the funds, based on Foundation investment policies. Click to review a list of our Staff, Board of Governors and Advisory Council members.

What Fees are Charged and How are They Used?

A nominal community support fee of 1% is applied to permanent funds and is placed in the Foundation’s general endowment fund. The Foundation provides matching gifts to permanent endowment funds established with us. These matches help the funds to grow right from the start.

Who Pays your Administrative Costs?

Operating costs are paid from gifts and grants to the Foundation and through investment income. We are pleased to report that we reserve more than 97% of our endowment assets for charitable purposes. Learn more specific details about Scranton Area Foundation

What Types of Programs does SAF offer?

We make grants to non-profit organizations who submit grant applications for timely and important community programs and services. We have also initiated grants when it appears that a major community issue can be addressed by identifying and encouraging leadership. We have fostered collaborative efforts among grant applicants as well as among other funders to bring expertise and dollars to bear on local problems.

Does SAF provide any Matching Funds?

Yes. The Foundation provides matching gifts to permanent endowment funds established with us. These matches help the funds to grow right from the start. For more information, see Matching Funds.

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions

A community foundation is a collection of separate funds established by individuals, organizations and others to support the future and sustain the present of a community. Learn about Community Foundations