Ways to Give

You don’t need to be wealthy to make an impact on your community –  EVERY contribution counts! Whether you want to make a one-time gift, establish a fund, or defer your gifts through a will or other planned giving, we can help you find the best way to meet your charitable goals.
  • GIVE NOW (Single Contribution)
  • Contributions to an EXISTING FUND(s)
  • Establish a NEW FUND(s)
Types of Giving
There are three basic types of giving:
  • GIVE NOW (Single Contribution)
  • Contributions to an EXISTING FUND(s)
  • Establish a NEW FUND(s)
We can help you find the best way to meet you charitable goals.

Single Contribution – Giving Now!

One time gifts in any amount can be made at any time. EVERY contribution helps to enhance the quality of life for all the people in the region.

Establish a Fund

Whether you want to support a library, help homeless animals, protect a park, revitalize the downtown, or start a scholarship to support students in a particular field of study, we can set up an ongoing fund for long-term benefit to the charity, organization, or other recipient of your choice. There are a variety of types of funds available. We can explain the variety of types of funds available and provide valuable resources that will help you find the information that you need to determine the best way to establish your fund and maximize the impact of your giving.

Planned Giving

Life income and other planned gifts create positive opportunities for you and local charities. These may be created during your lifetime, or by bequest. If you would like to defer your gifts through a will or other financial tool, the Foundation’s knowledge of local needs can provide the you with valuable resources for giving. Planned Giving contributions may be made in a variety of ways including:
  • Charitable Remainder Trust
  • Charitable Lead Trust
  • Charitable Gift Annuities
  • Life Estates
  • Life Insurance
Regardless of the type of planned giving, Scranton Area Community Foundation can provide a convenient, flexible vehicle for your giving that makes a permanent contribution to the community. Learn more about Planned Giving >

Marion M. Isaacs Legacy Circle

Looking for a simple way to give back to the community? Consider joining the Marion M. Isaacs Legacy Circle. Anyone can join. There is no minimum gift amount required to be a member. Learn more about Marion M. Isaacs Legacy Circle >