Reunión del 4º trimestre del AWC

Urban CoWorks 116 N Washington Ave 3rd Floor, Scranton, PA, Estados Unidos

La Colaboración para el Bienestar Animal de NEPA le invita a asistir a la Reunión del 4º Trimestre de Colaboración Completa de AWC. Animamos a cada organización miembro a venir preparado con ideas y actualizaciones sobre los recursos disponibles,...

Cena y reunión de mujeres filántropas de la Q1

Hilton Scranton 100 Adams Avenue, Scranton, Pensilvania, Estados Unidos

Acompáñenos en nuestra primera reunión trimestral del año, en la que iniciaremos un nuevo y emocionante capítulo en el avance de la labor de las Mujeres en la Filantropía....

NEPA Gives 2025 Kickoff

Are you ready to level up your nonprofit’s fundraising game? Before the region's largest giving event takes place in Junio, join us for a crash course to make NEPA Gives...

Workforce Barriers Summit: Employment Resources Panel

Historically, the PA Careerlink is seen as a resource for individuals seeking employment while Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development Initiatives focus on business and industry, however the need for...

Workforce Barriers Summit • Workforce Strengthening Programs

There are several organizations and programs working with potential employees to strengthen the workforce and place skilled, qualified individuals in family-sustaining employment. Come learn about the programs and how regional...

Women in Philanthropy Development Committee Meeting

Ameriprise Financial Services 604 South State Street, Suite 201, Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, United States

Please join us at the next WIP Development Committee Meeting!On Febrero 13th, the Women in Philanthropy Development Committee met to discuss key strategies for expanding membership, enhancing donor outreach, and...