Register your organization by Jueves, Mayo 5th, for just $50!
Our midway deadline ends on Jueves, Mayo 5 at 5:00 PM. Don’t miss this opportunity to register your nonprofit organization or charitable fund for NEPA Gives for only $50! Additionally, organizations who register by 5:00 PM on Jueves, Mayo 5, are entered for a chance to win a special registration incentive prize of $500. The winners of this prize be will selected at random from qualified organizations who meet the deadline. Organizations must raise at least $1,000 to qualify.
Organizations who register after 5/5 will be ineligible for special registration incentives.
¿Necesita ayuda para registrarse? Este seminario web informativo tiene todo lo que necesitas saber para inscribirte y empezar a prepararte para NEPA Gives el 3 de junio.Registration Deadlines Midway Registration: 3/26/22 – 5/5/22 at 5:00 PM – $50 Final Registration: 5/6/22 – 5/20/22 at 5:00 PM – $100
*Sin excepciones*
Tenga en cuenta: Cualquier organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) o fondo de caridad de una organización comunitaria en NEPA es elegible para inscribirse en NEPA Gives.
¿Tiene alguna pregunta o sugerencia sobre NEPA Gives? Scarlett Spager - nepagives@safdn.org Vivian Williams - vw@safdn.org