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Reunión del tercer trimestre de la Animal Welfare Collaborative

Sep 4th, 2024 | 5:00 PM-7:00 PM

We’re excited to announce our Third Quarter NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative Meeting will be held on Miércoles, Septiembre 4th, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Urban CoWorks 116 N Washington Ave. We encourage you to join us as we discuss our upcoming initiatives and strategies.

Please RSVP by Agosto 30, 2024

Please let us know if there are specific topics or concerns you would like to address during the meeting. This will help us ensure that we have the most productive meeting!

Agosto Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Event

In addition, we encourage each member organization to come prepared with ideas and updates on available resources, potential gaps in services, and ideas for solutions that could be implemented. Your expertise and insights are invaluable as we aim to compile a list that is both comprehensive, practical, and beneficial to the public, animals, and our member organizations.

We are organizing our first Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) event on Agosto 12th. If you have traps, can volunteer your time, or assist with transportation, please let us know by contacting awc@safdn.org

We would also appreciate your help in identifying cat colony locations to create a list of target areas. Your support is essential to the success of this event.

Register for NEPA AWC Subcommittees – Get Involved!

For those interested in getting more involved in the NEPA Animal Welfare Collaborative, please consider joining one of our subcommittees by filling out the form at the link below:

NEPA AWC Committee Sign Up


4 de septiembre de 2024
La hora:
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Urban CoWorks
116 N Washington Ave 3ª Planta
Scranton, PA 18503 Estados Unidos
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